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About Me

I was born and raised in Lexington, SC and currently delight in living in the upstate of South Carolina, where the mountains are always in the distance. I am an upcoming senior in college at one of the best universities in the country. Time is flying; I still cannot believe I'm almost finished with my college years.

I'm a girl with many ambitions, passions, and abilities.  Recently I've discovered that I have so many passions that I can hardly keep up with myself!  I have found that writing out my ideas and experiences has helped me to reflect on where I've been and ultimately where I'm going.

Sometimes I don't have a way with words, so my outlet for expression is photography.  I love capturing the Lord's masterpieces on film, and being able to share them with anyone and everyone!  There's still so much to learn and so much experience I still need to gain, but I hope that with time I can pursue photography as a career.

Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity [1 Timothy 4:12].

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